Monday, March 07, 2005

ups and downs

i woke up this morning filled with stress and anxiety. a letter i needed to write and mail out to a number of people before heading off to my internship wasn't written. it didn't get written before i left.
i went to intern knowing that i had a day of drudgery if not total frustration ahead of me.
i felt the bad day coming on, and i figured the best i could do was roll with it and hope for the best.

things started looking up when i went out for lunch around 2:00.
today was a beautiful, warm, hint-of spring day and i walked a little farther and calmed down and felt better.
then i went back inside and discovered that my silly want ad got published on reallysmalltalk, which is entertaining.
and then the lady about the PBS thing called and I seem to be IN! which is fun.
and then the director friend called and offered me a part in a staged reading which is great news since, as an actor, i always think i'll never work again.

so the day was looking really good.

and then i went on the blind date.

fortunately, he wasn't offensive or unplesant.
unfortunately he was the most vanilla human being i've ever met.
fortunately, i got the perfunctory kiss on the cheek and jetting off in the other direction.
so i think he and i saw eye to eye on how the date went.

what a day.


Blogger Marc said...

those dates, when you see eye to eye and both know that it's not going anywhere, are such a relief.

12:03 PM  

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