Thursday, March 03, 2005


I live in New York - a hard city.
I'm an actor - a difficult profession.
Lots of icky things happen to and around me on a regular basis.


I feel so grateful most of the time. So lucky. So blessed.
Like last week, I had the worst day ever, but at the very end, I found myself in the mixing pit at the Bowery Ballroom watching an amazing show. And I thought "am I really here? Is this MY life? How did this happen?" Or, yesterday, I had another tough day, but then I had this long and affirming and deeply enjoyable phone conversation with my friend Mike and I hung up and I thought "If I were religious, I would have to fall down and thank God for people like Mike in my life."

Every so often, I wonder if I'm too easily pleased and, Mike's awesomeness aside, if I shouldn't raise my standards . . . expect more.

I don't know . . . this seems to be working for the moment . . .


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