Wednesday, June 01, 2005


The problem: bad posture.

A significant cause: the pedestrian lifestyle lived by most New Yorkers, which forces us to physically heft all of our belongings for the day everywhere with us - keys, phones, heavy hard-covered books to help us look smart when we're reading on the subway platform just in case mr. right happens to also be taking the C train up town for therapy today after work, gym clothes, various grooming accoutrements so that while we're reading that impressive book we'll be able to sport a healthy post-workout glow without any of the unattractive trappings of having just been to the gym such as body odor, dry post-shower skin or fly-away hair. We are literally bent beneath the weight of our daily "necessities" and if anything's going to make mr. right turn around and strike up a conversation with the sara vowel three-off reading The Little Prince for the fourteenth time who's standing near the subway map instead of focusing his twinkly eyes on your lovely self, it's poor posture.

The solution: Seven year olds. We carry a lot, but not more than the average second or third grader can manage. They enjoy foods that are cheap - chocolate, chips, fast food - and they like to please. They schlep our stuff around. We pay them better than Nike & Kathie Lee combined. Mr. right becomes completely captivated by how unencumbered and straight-spined you are. Everyone's happy.


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